Published on in Vol 8 (2024)

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Evaluation of a New Telemedicine System for Early Detection of Cardiac Instability in Patients With Chronic Heart Failure: Real-Life Out-of-Hospital Study

Evaluation of a New Telemedicine System for Early Detection of Cardiac Instability in Patients With Chronic Heart Failure: Real-Life Out-of-Hospital Study

Evaluation of a New Telemedicine System for Early Detection of Cardiac Instability in Patients With Chronic Heart Failure: Real-Life Out-of-Hospital Study

Jean Marie Urien   1 , MPH, MD ;   Emmanuelle Berthelot   1 , MD ;   Pierre Raphael   2 , MD ;   Thomas Moine   3 , MD ;   Marie Emilie Lopes   2 , MD ;   Patrick Assayag   1 , MD, PhD ;   Patrick Jourdain   1 , MD

1 CHU Bicêtre, Le Kremlin Bicêtre, France

2 Institut du cœur saint Gatien, Tours, France

3 Clinique Saint Gatien, Tours, France

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